
Sunday 26 April 2015

Making a Sand Table

For our demo game at Triples in Sheffield were are putting on a Lasalle Napoleonic game on 28mm.  However just to add to the challenge we are also going to use a portable sand table for the game.  

Today we thought we better have a practise to make sure we knew what to do it on the day.

4 of the old timers gather around Kens wargame table.  The key items used are a simple wooden frame, 3 heavy tarpaulins and 5 bags of sand and a bit of tape. Flock is used to add texture to the finished table.

After the frame is screwed together the Tarps are laid out and tapped together. If you can get a bigger tarp then this would make life easier.

Tarps in position.

Add the sand and spread out. I would advise using gloves. 

A small trowel is good for spreading the sand.  Ideally the sand should be dry as this is easier to work. You can wet the sand of needed to mould a terrain feature.

The table begins to take shape. Hills and landscape can be realistically created.

Once the terrain is landscaped we are going to use flock sprinkled on top of the sand. We only did this on a small patch to show what it will look like.  Pretty realistic.  Roads can be left as sand and for rivers and streams just remove sand and expose the greeny tarp for the river. River banks are easily created.

The battlefield dressed with the village of Plancenoit in the fore ground. It will look so much better once it's all flocked.

A sunken road sculputured in the table.

Here a few shots of the table with the troops added to the basic, un flocked, sand table.

Another Austrian unit refurbished

I have revamped another unit of my old SYW collection. This is a unit of Old Glory Austrians. These are not the nicest figures and they are certainly showing their age.

Also I have decided to rebase my collection on 50 by 40mm bases for infantry and 45 by 50mm for cavalry and not 45 by 50 as previously planned. I decided to go for the longer frontage and less depth after seeing the infantry lines on Der Alte Fritz recent Mollwitz game.  

You can see the Mollwitz game here.

I am using a Peter Gilder style basing with a few tufts added to keep the basing simple. 

Saturday 25 April 2015

Stollenwitz - Opening moves

Managed to play the opening moves of the Battle of Stollenwitz. My son Max took command of the Electoral army and like Frederick it was his first game in an independent role commanding an army of this size in a Wargame.

The game opened with the Calvadorian winning the Initiative and launching their cavalry on their left wing into the flank of the massed Electoral cavalry.

The Electoral cavalry although caught in the flank are able to stem the initial attack routing one of Calvadorian units. More Calvadorian Cavalry join the swirling Melee. 

On the other flank Max pushes cavalry forward to cover the Infantry flank. The melee is joined and will be fought at our next session.

Meanwhile the Electrina Emma watches the battle unfold from the balcony of a local hostelerie famed for its Strudel Stollen mit Kirsch Wasser. 

In the centre the Furstenburg - Lederhosen march forward in perfect timing. No doubt wanted to uses his superior infantry numbers to drive the Calvadorian infantry from the field before the enemy more numerous cavalry would be able to overcome the Electoral Cavalry and threaten the flanks of the Electoral infantry.

The rules we are using are a free one page set available from Jim Purky.

So far the rules are working well. 

Tomorrow we are play testing our Plancenoit demo game for Triples. We are using a portable sand table for the game. I will post some pictures tomorrow.

Sunday 19 April 2015

Battle of Stollenwitz

Inspired by Jim Purkeys recent Battle of Mollwitz game on his blog I decided to set up my own Imaginations version. I have also been intending to give Jims SYW rules a whirl and this seemed an ideal opportunity to try them out.

I used a figures scale 1 figure equally 100 men or thereabouts. This gave the Prussians 8 units of  Infantry and 4 Cavalry. The Austrians have  5 Infantry and 8 Cavalry.

It's late 1740 and the Elector of Furstenburg-Lederhosen has decided that he wants to give his citizens a Christmas party and he needs large quantities of Streitzel. In order to met this demand he decides to invade the neigbouring territory of Milesia and capture the town of Stollenwitz.

The Duchy of Lorraine decides to comes to the Milesian aid and despatches a force to defend Stollenwitz. The scene is set and my Prince August figures have been arrayed for battle.

I used a couple of old whitish blankets to provide the terrain.  The pictures show the game all set up to go.  I am planning to play the game solo however my son Max may play a few turns.

Thursday 9 April 2015

Prince August Reinforcements

The postman bought a nice little box for me today courtesy of EBay.

In all 24 figures. I will probably do a little touch up here and there but these will fit in very well with my own figures.  

In all I now have over 110 cavalry figures. I need to paint a few extra figures to bring my squadrons up to strength with 6 troopers and a officer type.  My cavalry have 2 or 3 squadrons per regiment.

Sunday 5 April 2015

Battle of Burley Farm

The Spring of 1862 sees both the Federal and Rebel Governments looking to control the strategical important area of the Menston Valley.

To this end by sides dispatch a brigade of 2 regiments and a battery of guns. The     Union are led by the newly appointed General Maximilian Joseph. The Rebels are led by General Daniels.

The 2 sides met at Burley Farm as they advance up the Otley Town Pike.

The Rebels push forward with the 2nd North Carolina advancing towards the farm.

The Union 10th Vermont are surprised as both sides trades opening volleys. With loses mounting on both sides it is the Union who break and run away. The Rebels have gained the farm.

On the other flank the 14th Virginia move into the woods and as they advance the 
Find their way blocked by the 5th New York. Both sides blaze away at each other at point blank range.

With the acrid smell of gunpowder soon pervading the woods and with thick smokeay it difficult to see more than a few yard sit is the New Yorkers who give way first. 

The Virginians have there gander up now and with rebel yells piercing the sound of battle they rush forward overpowering the gunners of Battery B and capturing the guns.

The battle is over and the rebels are everywhere victorious. 

Max enjoyed the game and wants to play again,

I sort of made the rules up as I went along and used musketry and Melee fr the War Game. Artillery from Charge with morale based on losing stands.

The game was fought on the kitchen table and I used a cheap IKEA green throw foe the battlefield with a few plastic merit trees.

Saturday 4 April 2015

Plastic ACW

My son Max has been working on his 1/72 plastic ACW figures. Yesterday I cut him some 40mm square bases from Art Board. He then painted the bases Green, with some help from his sister.

This morning he sat down and stuck the figures to the bases and added some flock.

In all he got 4 regiments of 24 figures and  an artillery piece done. He is chuffed and is planning to get more done.

He already knows how to play the basic rules from Charge sowe can use these or perhaps use the Wargame.