
Monday 17 February 2020

Action dans la vallée de Plattville

South West France in 1814 the British and French are locked in combat. With each side manoeuvring for an opening the important of the pass through the Valley at Plattville is realised by both high commands.

Both sides despatch forces to take control of the valley and the small bridge across the River Belle Lona.  Each side has 5 bttns of foot, 2 companies of skirmishes, 2 guns and a cavalry brigade consisting of 1 light and 1 heavy Cavalry  regiment.

The French Leger advance whilst the light companys prepare to cross the Belle Lona and ascend La Colline de la Taupiniere. 

General Du Pont leads the Leger across the Belle Lona. Flags flying and drums beating. A cry of Vive La France can be heard across the valley.

Marshall Ney leads forward a Brigade of infantry in attack column. They splash across the Belle Lona and also ascend the Taupiniere.

The British are not slow to react with Picton leading forward the Fusilier Brigade supported by a battery of artillery.

The village of Plattville is occupied by the 9th Prussian Reserve Infantry.

Whilst the British Lifeguards begin a long flanking march around Plattville.

On the British right the 95th cross the Wheatfield to threaten the bridge.

Murat arrives and leads the French cavalry Brigade over the Bridge.

Without pausing to dress ranks they charge straight ahead against the lighter Brunswick Hussars. The melee is short and the heavy Carabiniers send their lighter opponents back pell mell towards their base line. Things look to be going well on the French left.

In the centre and left however the British are poised to strike. Their first artillery shot hits and with a 6 rolled for effect the French lose a battery. Not a good opening.

The British are able to concentrate whilst the French Columns struggle forward on the Taupiniere.

The Lifeguards force a French Battalion into square before advancing past them to form up in the French rear.

The French launch their cavalry at the Nassauers who are hit in the flank. Although a victory for the French cavalry they are too far away from the critical action on the Taupiniere.

The French Columns form line and advance to close range in the hope they can beat the British Infantry before the Lifeguards can reform and attack them in the rear.

The Chasseur Flanker are routed after only losing one stand. (Yup I threw a 1)

The French now trade musketry with the British. This should be deadly at close range. But not when you throw dice like this!

The last hope for the French is to rally the Chasseur Flankers. They have only lost one stand and this is the first rally attempt. A 3 or more is needed. You guessed it - another 1.

The Lifeguards hit the French rear whilst the British Infantry pour close range musket into the front of the French infantry. The game is up. Another victory for my son Max.

Saturday 8 February 2020

On the Workbench - French Dragoons

I have my next unit well underway.  These are a unit of French Dragoons. I have gone with Pink facings which add a splash of colour against the Green uniforms.

The unit consists of 12 figures. The 9 troopers are all recasts, as are the horses, with the command provided by Newline. I have used Newline command with my Briitish Lifeguards and they had slightly shorter legs. These Dragoons however have longer legs.

They match very well. I have added a Coke can flag to the standard bearer.

I have enough figures and horses in the lead pile to do another unit of Dragoons.

Saturday 1 February 2020

Afternoon game - Battle of Le Souffle

I set up the Dining Table for a quick game with my classic Napoleonics toys. I was going to play solo and test out some changes to my rules which are basically Charge.  Whilst setting up my Max my son asked if I needed help and could he play.   So we spent a couple of hours playing an enjoyable game.

The scenario was basically a French force depending against a larger Anglo Allied army commanded  by my son.  We played the game without any
reference to rules or quick play sheets. In all it took just over 2 hours.

Truffle Hill and its windmill are depended by a unit of Poles and the Guard Artillery under the watchful eye of Marshal Ney.

 Lutzow leads the Prussian 9th RIR and the Austro-Portugeuse Legion in a flanking attack on the village of Le Souffle.

The French skirmishers depending a sunken lane are no match for Lutzow command who despite the attention of the Guard Artillery take the position.

Marshal Murat leads the French elite Hussars in a flamboyant charge against the Lutzow Lancers but no no avail. In the ensuing the melee 5 hussars are list 3 lancers. Max needs to throw a 4 or more for the melee to continue. He rolls a 1 and the melee ends with both side retiring.

The Poles advance to hold Lutzow in check. 

Whilst the attack on the Allied right is going well Max launches further attacks in the centre. The village of Fondant is defended by French skirmishers and the 10th Legere who drive of the attacking Nassuers but are overrun by the Brunswick 1st Line

The Chasseurs de Flankers  with artillery support hold the Flotant Hill. They are however attacked by the Brunswick Hussars. Max wins for the initiative and the Hussars catch the Chasseurs before they can form square and cut them to pieces.

Le Souffle is defended  by the 5th Regt de Ligne. Who suffer from the attentions of artillery.

The British launch the Fusilier Brigade against Le Souffle. The Welch Fusiliers lead the attack but are quickly reduced to 50% and forced to retire. They are however supported by the 7th Fusiliers who drive the 5th Regt out of Le Souffle. 

With the loss of Le Souffle the French withdraw and concede.

A panorama of my dining table. The terrain is simple. The streams, woods and town sections are made from thin cardboard. The hills are mdf. The table measured 5 by 3ft. 

Napoleonique and Der Kreigspielers

I have a copy of the 1992 version of these classic Napoleonique rules since the mid 90s.  I pulled my copy of the shelves this afternoon for a browse.

The original rules were published in 1971 and were available from Der Kreigspielers. They cost $3.  The rules were written by Jim Getz and are seen by many as a turning point in game design. I meet Jim at Historicon in 2002 and spent a couple hours listening to him giving a talk on game design. 

There are a few pictures in the rules which look to be mostly Der Kreigspieler figures.  Der Kreigspieler were owned by Duke Seifried and were, let's face it, copies of Marcus Hinton figures. They did however add a few figures to the range. The 'Duke' and Jim were lifelong friends.

Massed French Infantry advancing. The artillery at the back look to be Mini Figs

French Engineers consult a map to make sure that they are at the right farm before they knock down the door.

I have 4 units of Der Kreigspeliers  Prussians in my painting pile. Amongst them is a unit of Von Lutzowers.

Der Kreigspieler figures came in blister unit packs of 24 figures. I am not sure when blister packs first started becoming popular in the UK but it must have been well into the 90s. 

DK figures are smaller than HH as they are copies of figures rather than originals. They do however mix well on the tabletop. 

The Hinton Hunt moulds are understood to be owned by someone in Canada and are going to be well worn. I wonder what happened to the DK ones ?