
Sunday 21 March 2021

Bellona River Sections

Following my last post I have been very kindly been sent some original Bellona river sections.

In all there are 3 straight sections and 2 curve packs.  Once the edges are trimmed the straight sections are 10" by 5".

Amera Mouldings do very similar river sections in their fantasy realms range and are very similar in size.

I would like to thank J for his generosity in sending me these long out of production river sections.

Sunday 14 March 2021

Home made Streams

Bellona made a range of terrain pieces and I owned quiet a few as a youngster. I have been looking out for some Bellona stream for a while now to go with an old Bellona bridge I have.

As I have been unable to find any I decided to have a go making my own stream sections using some Kardean  flooring I had left over from a bathroom floor.

Kardean is very easy to cut and is flexible. I made the banks using Caulk and a simple paint job and a bit of Jarvis flock finished them off.

The Old Guard crossing into Belgium in June 1815.

A section of the stream painted in an appropriate gloss blue with a little dry brushing. You can see the texture of the Kardean which I think adds to the effect.