
Thursday, 25 April 2019

Wellington and Picton

Over the last few months I have been painting my British and Allies.  As I only had an old Alberken Daddy Hill painted I decided I needed some extra commanders.

I have had original Hinton Hunt Wellington and Picton figures and horses in my to do pile for a while and decided it was about time they got a lick of paint.

I have painted Picton in scarlet rather than black using Hinton Hunts original painting guide, which is available on Clives excellent blog, as a reference.


  1. Excellent work Mark, I had Wellington but for some reason never got Picton. The collection is going from strength to strength.

  2. Tally Ho! Did HH ever do a pack of Foxhounds?

  3. They look great Matt. Such detail and character in the faces of the figures isn't there?

    An interesting aside
    I stumbled across this video amongst the 'hits' in a search of Napoleonic videos as background 'viewing' (i.e. chiefly listening) whilst painting.
    You may have already seen it, but I know that you'll love it if you have not. Please share with Ian and other devotees of Marcus' work!
