
Friday 3 January 2020

2019 Painting Review

So with 2019 done and dusted I thought it would be a good time to review my classic Napoleonics painting completed in the year.  Each Infantry/artilleryman figure painted counts as a point with a mounted figure and artillery piece counting as 2.

In all I painted 69 Infantry/artillerymen, 28 mounted and 2 guns.  So in all 129 points worth.  I had hoped to do more and aim to do more this year. I am going to move onto some Prussians next and I am hoping that the simpler uniforms may make it quicker to paint

In chronological order this us what I painted.

British Rifles.

British Lifeguards

British Royal Horse Artillery

Brunswick Line Infantry

Wellington and Picton

French Voltigeurs

Davout and Ney

Brunswick Hussars

And finally the first 12 of the Flanker Chasseurs. The other 12 are on the painting table.


  1. Cheerful, wonderfully painted figures and units. A year well spent I'd say. Here's to more painting in 2020.

    Best Regards,


  2. Lovely figures Mark, nice and shiney too.

  3. A good years work Mark - I think the Life Guards are my favourite!

  4. Whatever the number they all look mighty fine.
    All the best for 2020

  5. Great stuff Mark.

    I think you are leading this particular 'Old School' charge.

  6. Splendid toys Mark...
    Here’s to lots more shininess this year.

    All the best. Aly

  7. And where would you be without a rubber forge ...

  8. Mark, thanks for the inspiration. I have been seduced by WM ably seconded by yourself and a number of other bloggers and am now contemplating my first battalion of French as recently acquired off eBay. I also have some Garrison Light Infantry of the type you painted up as a Prussian Reserve Regiment - I intend to paint them as Spanish - Rob Young says he may be able to provide some more to bring them up to strength. What I am keeping my eye open for are some of those gorgeous Brunswick Hussars.
    Keep it coming in 20220 - Thanks.

  9. That should've been 2020 as I can't wait 'til 20220!!!

  10. Simply wonderful, Mark!
    Two stunning regiments of cavalry...I hang my head in shame...
    All the best

  11. WM - My reaction as well. Nothing but shame at the inadequacy of my painting production. Mark, I am astonished you have been able to turn out this many figures at that quality in only a year. Well done sir!
