Next up on my painting is the second squadron of the Lutzow Uhlans. As I had 4 Lancers I was going to need 2 extra figures to bring the unit up to strength.
I decided to try my hand at a bit of conversion work to create an officer and standard bearer for my Uhlans. I know the Prussian Uhlans did not carry standards but I decided that they would look the business if mine they did.
I started out using a JC recast Prussian Dragoon. The first step was to use the Dremel I got for Christmas to remove the Carbine.
Next steps was to use Milliput to add the Litweka. This is the first time I have tried using Milliput to convert a figure. The Uhlan figures have a different shaped shako so I added a bit of Milliput here as well. I added a few other bits and pieces.
I cut of the sword of one of the Dragoon and added a flagpole using a needle I 'borrowed' from the wife's sewing kit. I have fashioned a hand which hopefully will look alright when painted.
The finished figures together with an Uhlan.
As I had a bit of Milliput left over I tried something else out. As part of a recent trade with TS I got some Der Kreigspieler Lutzow Infantry. The only issue is they are bit on the small size. I however noticed the base was a bit thin.
So I added a bit of Miliput under the base to add a little extra height. The difference is less noticeable and I could probably get away with using a slightly thicker piece of Milliput.
One of the advantages is that you can get a tidy finish and once the Milliput is filed smooth and the painted and based it will hard to tell they are wearing platform boots.
I am happy how my first attempts with Milliput have come out and I will certainly try more conversions in the future.