Sunday 23 October 2011

Zvezda 15mm Plastics

As a change I decided to have a go at some of the new Zvezda 15mm plastic kits in preparation for some Operation Crusader games using Charles Grants 'Battle'.  These kits are easy to assemble at paint up well. Here is are some  pictures of a Hanomag and Panzer IIIG painted for North Africa. 

I added extra stowage bits and some transfers I had lying around to complete the models.  

In all I think these are good kits and will give other companies are run for their money.  These kits cost me £ 2.50 at mu local Boyes and are a lot cheaper than other manufacturers. .

Tuesday 18 October 2011

Prince August reinforcements

I have recently picked up a collection of Prince August figures courtesy of Geoffrey from Kendal who had cast these many years and gamed with his son.  Geoffrey kindly gave me the figures for a donation to the Patterdale Mountain Rescue Team. 

In all the collection consists of 
4 guns and 12 crew
96 infantry
4 hussars
18 dragoons
8 grenadiers
and 4 spare cavalry which were used as generals.

I will repaint these figures and they will provide welcome reinforcements for the Duchy of Calvados and the Electorate of Furstenburg-Lederhosen