Saturday 23 March 2019

Royal Horse Artillery

Finished some British Royal Horse Artillery this morning.  These are recast Hinton Hunts figures and the artillery pieces are 6 Pounders from SHQ.  The SHQ pieces are nice models and work well with HH figures.

I used Vallejo Dark Prussian Blue for the jackets as I like the shade.  In fact 90% of my paints are Vallejo. There are a few exceptions however I the quality and consistency of their paint much better than other options. They are also readily available in my local Boyes.

Friday 8 March 2019

British Lifeguards - finished

I have now finished the remaining 6 figures to finish my British Life Guards.

The command figures are Newline mounted on Hinton Hunt Horses. They fit very well indeed.  I might have to buy a few more command figures. Extra trumpeters can have the hand and trumpet cut off and used to convert one piece castings into trumpeters.

I have also started painting 8 RHA recasts. I will be using SHQ 6pdrs with these figures.

I did have a original RHA crew but these are now part of  Strykers collection.