Saturday 31 March 2018

Lutzow Uhlans

I have almost finished the next batch of figures. They need a second coat of varnish and basing to finish them off.

The Officer and Standard bearer are conversions using a Prussian Dragoon and a bit of Milliput.

Thanks to WM for the image of the flag which I have made from an old coke can.

Tuesday 20 March 2018

Airfix Thatched Cottage Completed

It has taken some time to paint because of all the wood beams. However today I finished painting my first Airfix cottage since the early 70s.

I have tried to match the colours from the box lid.

I have another 2 of these kits and country church still to do. 

Saturday 17 March 2018

Opening Presents and Parcels

Its my birthday today. So this morning I was happy to receive a couple of books as presents which had been bought on ebay.

Both books are in good condition and the Waterloo Companion looks as new.

I am pleased with both books and Prussian army book will come in handy as I have a number of units that are jostling to get on the painting table.

Earlier in the week I had been  chatting with John C and mentioned that I was short of Hinton Hunt French and British Cavalry. John said he would get something sorted and in the post for the weekend.

Last night I got home to find a rather large parcel awaiting for me. Inside there were masses of cavalry, Command figures including much needed French standard bearers and drummers as well as British RHA and Prussian artillery.  

Here are a couple if photos. The first is of French Heavies (Carabinier, Dragoons and then 2 different Cuirassier types)

The second are all French Guard. (Empress Dragoons, Grenadiers a Cheval and Guard Lancers with separate arm).

My Lead pile is now officially a mountain.

Not a bad start to my Birthday Weekend.

Tuesday 13 March 2018

Classic Napoleonic - Spring Manoeuvres

It was a year ago this month that I started collecting classic Napoleonic wargame figures. During the course of the year I have been renovating, stripping and painting.  The numbers have grown, with the help of the Oxfam haul, to two balanced forces.

As spring is in the air it seems appropriate a hold my first annual review not only to record progress made but also ti act as a record for next years Spring manoeuvres.

Most of the figures are original HIntons with some Alberken/Minifigs. The French gunners are 25mm Minifigs.

The French have 96 foot and 7 mounted figures.

The Anglo,Austrian, Prussian and Portuguese have 108 foot and 8 Mounted figures.

In all I have collected 204 foot and 15 mounted figures plus numerous artillery pieces.  The next few months will see more Cavalry and French Guard Artillery and perhaps some more mounted commanders to swell the ranks.

Wednesday 7 March 2018

More Lutzowers

Next up on my painting is the second squadron of the Lutzow Uhlans. As I had 4 Lancers I was going to need 2 extra figures to bring the unit up to strength.

I decided to try my hand at a bit of conversion work to create an officer and standard bearer for my Uhlans. I know the Prussian Uhlans did not carry standards but I decided that they would look the business if mine they did.

I started out using a JC recast Prussian Dragoon. The first step was to use the Dremel  I got for Christmas to remove the Carbine.

Next steps was to use Milliput to add the Litweka. This is the first time I have tried using Milliput to convert a figure.  The Uhlan figures have a different shaped shako so I added a bit of Milliput here as well. I added a few other bits and pieces.

I cut of the sword of one of the Dragoon and added a flagpole using a needle I 'borrowed' from the wife's sewing kit. I have fashioned a hand which hopefully will look alright when painted.

The finished figures together with an Uhlan.

As I had a bit of Milliput left over I tried something else out. As part of a recent trade with TS I got some Der Kreigspieler Lutzow Infantry. The only issue is they are bit on the small size. I however noticed the base was a bit thin.

So I added a bit of Miliput under the base to add a little extra height.  The difference is less noticeable and I could probably get away with using a slightly thicker piece of Milliput.

One of the advantages is that you can get a tidy finish and once the Milliput is filed smooth and the painted and based it will hard to tell they are wearing platform boots.

I am happy how my first attempts with Milliput have come out and I will certainly try more conversions in the future.

Friday 2 March 2018

Flanqueurs-chasseurs of the Garde Impériale

In September 1811 Napoleon created a two battalion regiment of Chasseur Flankers of the Young Guard. They fought in the Campaigns of 1812 to 1814.  They look rather nice in Green

I am thinking that a batch of Alberken/Minfigs I have will be rather splendid as Chasseur Flankers.

Do I paint these next or do some more Prussian Lancers and French Hussars. I also have a Napoleon, Wellington (both original Hintons) and a JC recast Blucher in the queue along with 3 battalions of Prussian Infantry, 3 battalions of French, 2 battalions of British plus some riflemen. I also have 1 1/2 Austrian units as well as some French Guard and Guard Horse Artillery.

These are a mixture Hintons, Alberken/Minifig, Der Kreigspielers, Rose and Les Higgins

Decisions decisions - so what do I paint next ?