Wednesday 28 April 2021

Polish Guard Lancers

Well it taken way longer to get these figures completed but they are finally done. 

The trumpeter is a conversion and has a bionic arm donated by a plastic figure. I also use Newline figures for spare parts.

The uniforms are rather pretty and but they were time consuming to paint. I have another 6 figures which will be painted as Red Guard Lancers. I however I need a break ,and need to find something easier to do next.  Perhaps a squadron of Line Lancers or a unit of Prussian Dragoons.

Another point was trying to get the Lances all at the same angle. They would not look like Guard Lancers if they had their Lances all over the place would they.

I use my old trusty Funckens, with french text as my uniform guides.  I have had these since the 70s. I know people say they have inaccuracies but they inspired me as a youngster and continue to do today.

Friday 9 April 2021

Polish Guard Lancers - in progress

I have had a break from painting classic Napoleonics over the last 3 months.  This week however I have been making progress on a 6 figure squadron of Polish Guard Lancers using FN44 figures. 

They are as per usual taking longer than I expect but his morning I make good progress on them and managed to complete the white on the first figure.  It took over 30 minutes just doing this.

There is still a fair bit of detail to finish him off but I can now see what the finished figure is going to look like.

The 2nd Squadron will be painted as the Red Guard Lancers and will look rather fetching on the wargame table.